'Era of Origins'
Igniculus was the Era of the Spark, a recording of the Origins of the Universe and the creation of the planet that would be called Cor'Terrae.
Section I The Dreamer realizes that until now it had only created fantasies and begins the process of awakening to and forming reality.
Section II Once awakened to the Universe, matter forms. The Divine of Love begins to dance and through the creation of the stars become the Queen of the Stars.
Section III The Divine of Hope unable to gather the light alone, is aided of the Divine of Stars. Affections grow and Hope and Love are bound, never to be apart.
Section IV Now the Divine of Hope and Light, gathers more of those first particles in the Universe, those gases that had created light, and crafts Alasse Cir, High Paradise. Whilst this happens the self created Shadow parts the Void from Alasse Cir making a sheltered Universe within the veil of its essence.
Section V Out of The Dreamer's ambitions in creating the Cosmos, the Divine of Ambition forms.
Section VI The planet takes on shape, and the Dreamer creates fire, making molten lava beneath the crust of the world to heat it. The Fire is a gift to the Divine of Ambition and reveling in its new found power this Divine becomes of three: Divine of Ambition, Fire and Power.
Section VII Needing to cool down the globe, the Dreamer then begins to rain from the atmosphere liquid, forming the Divine of Water.
Section VIII The Divine of Hope and Light is gifted the power of Storms and it becomes of three: Divine of Hope, Light and Storms. The Divine of Fire would lose it's power as a source of light was needed that the Void could not steal, and it was tricked into throwing its power far away in creation of the Sun. The Divine of Chaos roars in laughter from its trick and from this selfish act it would become a Divine of three: Divine of Chaos, Intrigue and Trickery.
Section IX So that the Divine of Fire's power could be returned for a few hours everyday, the moon would be created by the Divine of Illusion. It would wax and wane over the month so that the Divine would have their power slowly returned as well before losing it at the next month.
Section X Time begins to toll through the Universe as the sun first rises, and in the uncounted years that follow, Cor'Terrae is fully formed. The only Divine who understands and feels time is the Divine of Control, which leads to this Divine becoming the Divine of Control and Time.
Into the Absolute.
Time is unfamiliar.
Creation of a Planet.
The Divine of Fate approached the Dreamer with harsh truth,
"How beautiful are these worlds of illusion you have crafted."
The truth had been distorted, the Dreamer would realize at last,
that none of the futures seen or heard were more than fantasy,
a fancy, creations perceived with no physical or objective reality.
Once more a dreadful sorrow came over the Dreamer,
and the Divines gathered around their creator.
At length, the Dreamer spoke of its concerns,
"I have kept dreaming of a world I think I will never see."
The Architect of Fate showed the Dreamer one last Dream,
and this unlike before was no vision of endless possibilities.
The Weaver would guide the Dreamer through the steps,
and creation became a process of growing awareness.
Let it be dreamed by the Heart of the World,
That emptiness be filled by solid form,
The Ethereal Divines made of the mist
flew through the shrouded vault.
Their wandering made matter form,
particles of light left in their wake.
Within the endless and ancient Void,
The dusts of creation gathered round.
The Divine of Love began to whirl,
stirring up the granules of light.
Clinging to the immortal shape,
they stretched to fill the space.
Far and wide and high and low,
projected a billion years show,
of half a trillion stars to and fro.
Bright with stars of brilliant hues,
the darkness is conquered by the light.
Limitless love flowed through the dance,
across the broad and endless expanse.
The Queen of the Stars sparkles,
wrapped in a cloak of constellations.
Luminous and Celestial are those,
who shine out of the Universe.
Auroras and Nebulas waltz,
Patterns amongst chaos.
With laughter the Divine of Hope,
took up this bountiful radiance,
that formed a halo over the Cosmos.
Despairing as the light slipped away
The Divine of Love came to its aid.
Drawn to one another were they,
Hope and Love together flourished.
Protective affections grew deeper,
Two Divines would soon be bound,
by the light they both possessed.
Never were the two to be separated,
from the Light that Sila Vor entrusted,
to Reinn Anon with love and good faith.
King and Queen of Heaven.
Sila Vor taught her husband,
taking the other by the hand.
How to become a source of purity,
Reinn Anon, the Divine of Light.
With the Divine of Light and Stars,
They wished to fashion a realm for the Gods
Together with the Dreamer, they molded,
Bless'ed, Alasse Cir.
Thus the light framed the great expanse,
and was crafted into The Endless Plains,
where the Gods would live and lay.
So to called High Paradise.
Below the Realm of Light,
other particles first formed,
the sheltered Universe,
within the parted shade.
Unforgotten Myr Veil.
For Shadow had become matter,
self-created and projected.
Existing between the two extremes,
of Virgin Light and Ancient Darkness,
Always apart and never to meet.
It would be in its Shadow Sanctuary,
where the Cosmos could be sculpted,
the un-risen dense and dark matter,
left for what was to be done.
A deliberate act of Imagination,
Ideas being given Substance.
All of Creation pulsed within,
Sparking the Fire of Ambition.
Oh, Unrelenting Blaze,
The first motive that arises,
unrestrained ambition surges.
Thine destructive anger glows,
revealing furiosity unrestrained.
A blazing crescendo of fiery passion,
scorched, cracked, and blackened.
Destroy our enemies with your flames,
and fill us with your distinction and fame.
The heaviest and impure elements,
had fallen below the Realm of Light,
and settled downwards as malleable matter.
From dreams amongst emptiness,
a husk of a world would be shaped.
The Dreamer placed beneath the crust,
rolling molten lava to warm the planet.
These creatures of fire were primal
and had no will or mind of their own.
This element of fire would be given,
as a gift to the Divine of Ambition.
Delighting in its newfound power,
this God would become of three.
Ambition, Fire, and Power.
To cool a parched terrene,
a new idea came to the Dreamer.
Condensing in the atmosphere,
vapor would become liquiform,
pouring forth across the globe.
Liquid must cover the sphere,
and the substance of water ran.
Rain would fall for unknowable ages,
so the barren and molten mass,
would build up oceanic depths.
Water formed rivers and lakes,
as well as the oceans and seas.
Rain in the farthest reaches,
chilled to Ice by the cold.
Master of All Seas.
Oh, Keeper of the Harbor,
through fair weather or foul,
you guide ships to safety or ruination.
Shield of sailors and stiller of storms,
By your might floods destroy us,
or in droughts, the waters desert us.
Water is indispensable to life,
Without water, we would die,
Water brought life to all creation.
Blowing upon the sea-tossed waves,
the Dreamer's breath became the wind.
Then a crash of distant thunder sounded,
and these elemental gifts were given away.
The Divine of Light was given Storms.
Land was separated by endless waters,
light radiated from Reinn Anon's grace.
But the Void stole the required light away,
and their envisioned world needed more.
In council no answers could be discerned,
the Divine of Chaos would trick the Fire,
Nau'ar, into throwing its power far away.
A great source of energy would be made.
And thence proceeded the Sun,
thrown up above into the beyond,
where Nau'ar could not retrieve it.
The Divine of Fire was heavyhearted.
Power lost to Chaos's play,
it roared in its selfish glee.
This God would become three.
Chaos, Intrigue, and Trickery.
The Dreamer seeing its child in such despair,
wished to re-unite the Divine with their power.
But the Fire could not be given back completely,
Otherwise, all of creation would freeze and die.
So the Sun would leave the skies for a short time,
and Nau'ar's power would be returned in full.
But whilst the Sun lowered and the world slept,
a lesser face would bring light to the night.
When the world was again plunged into darkness,
pale sterling light would shine over the planet,
as gases whirled and the Universes debris collided,
a misty blue mantle of ephemeral moon dust dominated.
The Sun and the Moon alternate in the sky,
That is why the day always follows the night.
The Moon was created to wax and wane,
to lose its power and have its luster fade,
through the endless cycle of monthly days.
From a glowing silver-white disk,
to a curved silver crescent, it thins,
until the Moon vanishes from our eyes.
As the moon weakens its Power returns to it,
Tin Du'hil, Divine of two: Illusions and the Moon.
The very first rising of the sun,
began the numbering of the years.
In the taking form of the terrene,
land unfolds and bends the sphere.
The Dreamer underlies,
all physical reality,
for it is the substance,
and body of the world.
Breath of the four winds,
Blood of the endless seas,
Flesh of the many shores,
Bones of the mountainsides.
No longer was it a husk,
but A Multi-faceted globe.
With beauty and bareness,
with height and depth,
with chill and heat,
all together as one.
A lone planet is born,
soaring with the sun,
and stories are told
of it's origin's spark.
A Shared Vision,
dreams of perfection,
molded through the ages.
Millenniums passed its creation.
Yet only one knew the duration,
alone this Divine must attend,
the toll of the ceaseless clock.
Wan'an'iena, Divine of two:
Control and Time without end.
Thus ended the Era of Origins.
Click Through to the next Era 'Reality'!
All Original names and references to the story they are from are Copyright of Nathanial Davidson.