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Jhes' Khasti

'Masked Anarchy, Fickle Fortune, Prince of Chaos'
'The Renegade-The Outcast'


In order of Creation, he is the Sixth Divine.
In Power, he is the last.
Out-casted to live on Cor'Terrae.
The Gambler and devious Rogue.
Luck, Wealth, Excess, Change, Anarchy, and Trickery.


Chaotic Neutral
The Masked Anarchy was often involved in good-natured schemes involving the other gods, though some were less
good-natured then others. Found annoying by his fellows they tolerated him because of his charm and humor.
In the beginning when there was no light Jhes' Khasti talked Nau'ar into throwing his power
deep into the void where it created the sun, tricking Nau'ar out of his power.
Nau'ar would later scorch Jhes Khasti's face in retaliation for the loss, burning Jhes's skin away.


Chaos became a god...

with no reflection.

It was in his creation of Still Painters, mortals with the power of creation and destruction, that Jhes’Khasti changed.
The closest to a truthful answer as to why he gave the Dreamer's creations divine gifts is his laughter and a whisper,
'Always, where there is potential and progress, their will be madness and mystery.'
Prior to this act he was known to wear various masks as disguises to hide the physical destruction of his face.
After creating his Still Painters, Jhes'Khasti would don the mask of the ‘Faceless’ seen above.
  He would be the cause of the Still Painter War and the Grimhorns, humans who are immune to all magics, were created as a result.

Although Masked Anarchy fought against his own creations when the other Divines demanded it Jhes would be banished.
On Cor'terrae he would be reborn with memory and would live a human life over and over without end.

As a mortal Jhes'Khasti is graced with divine beauty and he feeds upon the need and desire for change within us all.
He is as seductive as only a once God could be, disarming in false innocence, utterly beguiling in his mannerisms and irresistibly tempting with his words.

He sows anarchy among mankind in an attempt to get the attention of his brethren, for what end only he knows.

The God of Change teaches to avoid predictability and routine, to delight in life, seek out happiness, joy, entertainment,
and the company of others. He is indulgent of every pleasure and excess, no matter how immoral or perverse.
The Trickster does not usually have temples, he has small shrines in pubs, in theaters, thieves guilds or by the sides of roads.
Jhe'sKhasti's grand temple is in Rimedur, the trade city in which Jhes'Khasti has blessed with great fortune
and copper, silver and gold are sacrificed to him for luck and future fortune.
Masked Anarchy does not have a large clergy.

Though rogues, thieves, and assassins all offer up prayers to him,
Fickle Fortune is feared and revered for his hands in luck, fortune and change.

Arch Angels/High Guardians

Arch Angels are created by the Gods. Reinn Anon created Arch Angels to serve each of his siblings.
These are Jhes'Khasti's High Guardians.

 Khesual - Angel of Luck
Tosial - Angel of  Unpredictable Change

All Original names and references to the story they are from are Copyright of Nathanial Davidson.
Faceless by Sombrefeline and all rights reserved to them

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